Environmental Sustainability


Aerosom is actively engaged in sustainable environmental conservation measures that reduce any dangers in the ecosystem. These resources expended by the hangar has helped to deal with concerns and regulations related to the effects of aviation on local and regional air quality, climate change, and community noise.

Our operations in the combustion cycle and other technical aspects have helped to minimize problems related to production of hazardous aviation emissions in and around the hangar, therefore ensuring the environment remains clean at all times.

Efficient engine and propulsion systems during maintenance, repairs and refurbishments, have been improved and integrated in all aircrafts at the hangar to reduce noise pollution. Other alternative fuel such as liquid hydrogen and revolutionary technologies like fuel cell-electronic propulsion have been deployed to achieve breakthrough technologies as well.

ese and many more environmental considerations are what our hangar is consistently aligning internally and externally to globally develop corporate initiatives for passing on a beautiful, sustainable earth to future generations.